Mark your calendar for this upcoming special event as
Retrouvaille of SoCal/San Diego invites you to attend a
For Retrouvaille Alumni
May 1st – May 3rd, 2020
San Diego, California
If you have any questions, please call or e-mail
Sam & Debbie Martin
What is a Formation Weekend?
You may be asking yourself, how we continue on our Retrouvaille journey as a couple. The answer is: attend the upcoming Formation Weekend. For some, Retrouvaille becomes a journey instead of an end. For some who want to find out just how great their marriage can be, there’s the Formation Weekend. The healing that started on your Retrouvaille weekend and post sessions can be just the beginning.
Truly amazing results can come from the process of digging a little deeper into your relationship, providing the catalyst you and your spouse need for continued growth. This Formation Weekend will help you to continue your own healing and gives you more opportunities to "Continue to Heal Each Other."
The Formation Weekend follows a different format than your original weekend, with less time spent listening to presenters and more time available for exploring your relationship through writing and sharing. It’s a chance to learn just how much you can grow in understanding each other and even yourself…you know the one behind the mask.
The formation weekend also exposes you to the potentially incredible gifts of the Retrouvaille ministry. Gifts that come through participation as presenters and active community members. It provides you as a couple with the opportunity to help heal other hurting couples. As has been said by wiser folks than we, the only way to keep the gift (of Retrouvaille) is to give it away. Although it may seem counter intuitive, it is so true that sharing your story with others brings so much healing to your own marriage.
For your sake, for your Retrouvaille Community's sake, and for the sake of couples who need the Retrouvaille ministry, we invite you – we urge you - to join us.